Ithaca is home to many refugees from countries across the world. These include Afghanistan, Iraq, Saudi Ara bia, Burma, China, Ecuador, Indonesia, and many more countries. For many of these refugees, life in a new and unfa miliar community can be difficult. There are many ways that you can help support these refugees in Ithaca. One such way is through Ithaca Welcomes Refugees (IWR). Ithaca Welcomes Refugees helps both newly arrived refugees and immi grants who have lived in the Ithaca area for a longer time.
Ithaca Welcomes Refugees is an initiative founded in 2015. Their mission is to create a more welcoming environment for refugees and immigrants in Ithaca. Some of their services include setting up apartments and providing basic needs, orienting refugees and immigrants with Ithaca, and providing financial assistance to these refugees. Their overarching goal is to reduce barriers preventing immi grants and refugees from integrating into the local community. In addition, IWR is a member of Welcoming America, a nonprofit organization that aims to make communities more inclusive. Some of IWR’s most important projects include the Global Roots Play School, which provides affordable and accessible childcare to parents wishing to learn English. It has served 24 children in the Ithaca area. IWR also has response projects, which target specialized needs of refugees and immigrants.
So how can you help? Through the IWR website (ithacawelcomesrefugees. org), you can volunteer to participate in their initiatives. Ithaca Welcomes Refu gees is entirely volunteer-run and relies on community organization and funding for their projects. They are also current ly looking for a Treasurer, Community Welcoming Team Leader, a Development Leader, and a Response Team Coordi nator. Furthermore, you can visit their Amazon Wish List, accessible through their website, to help pay for items that families are in need of.
Ithaca Welcomes Refugees, a well known local organization
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