Audit Report
Over the past few years, ICSD has had a significant budget deficit due to cuts in state funding and local tax caps. The BoE especially credits the Gap Elimination Adjustment (GEA, 2010), which ironically had the purpose of closing budget deficits across New York State schools, for its deficit. Large expenditures paired with lower revenue has forced the district to dip into fund balance reserves, which are usually reserved for emergencies.
There was some discussion over the impact of the GEA on other school districts. Some neighboring districts have been less affected by the GEA, not having to dip in their fund balance, even though they have smaller budgets. Additionally, our schools did not lay off as much as others, which contributed to the financial troubles. With decreasing state aid, the burden has been moved to local taxpayers.
However, things are looking up with the 2015–2016 school year record. The fund reserve balance is on the way up again. With the lack of snow days last year, the mild weather meant less overtime spending for ICSD. The district has gotten better about correcting for low state aid to underestimate revenue, and it seems like it is on the right track to improve our financial standing.
2015 Building Survey
The Building Condition Survey is mandated every five years and carried out by a Horseheads-based company, HUNT. The bulk of what HUNT does is making recommendations based on campus inspection. Some of the suggestions that have been made include expanding video-camera surveillance and making entrances more secure.
During conversation about this survey, the issue of lead in plumbing was brought up. In order for something to be covered by the state, it needs to be mentioned in the survey. Lead testing was touched on, but plumbing repair and repiping were not explicitly mentioned in the report. However, it seemed like the state would be willing to cover these implicated costs.