Hall Monitor: What does death mean to you? By DAVID SHENG (Staff Writer) on December 2016 Andrey Shakhzadyan ’17: “Metal.” Arthur Santelli ’20: “To die, and it’s irrelevant at this point to think about.” Jacob Silcoff ’17: “The end of AP chemistry.” Alex Whitehead ’20: “It’s the end and most depressing part of life.” Woocheol Hyun ’17: “Death means someone dies.” Published in Features Hall Monitor DAVID SHENG (Staff Writer) More from FeaturesMore posts in Features »How VR is Taking Healthcare to Another DimensionSTEM Feature of the Month: The Science Behind Gingerbread HousesFrom the Archives: Excerpts from the Tattler Issues of YesteryearMusic Con Amore: Bringing Music to AllICSD’s Quick Cuts: Substitutes Dismissed