All words were found from the Wikipedia article on epitaphs.
An epitaph, strictly speaking, is
name, year, date of birth, and date of death.
Warn Father/Mother/Son/Daughter of
their own mortality,
The deceased exceed common expression;
beloved, prior to their death.
Written in prose, above the coffin.
impossible by definition.
Brief tomb of the unknown soldier,
virtues of past politicians nearly 180 lines
Lengthy family origins.
From Greek, in Latin:
pompous Western culture.
In a figurative sense, it is a funeral oration.
Whole earth is hot, obedient but
unvanquished. Woolf: homo sum.
Let Horace blush: homo sum.
Compose their own: homo sum.
Writ in water: homo sum
Citation needed: homo sum.
Notably, homō sum.
Note from the IHS Tattler: This piece is a blackout poem. However, for lack of the ability to blackout online, bold face has been used in parts that would have been otherwise redacted.