It’s sunrise, but you can’t hear any birds. That’s not unusual, but if you stop to let yourself think about it, you start to remember… no. That was another life. It is not who you are now, and to dwell in the past means you won’t do anything all day. You take another sip of your tea that’s long gone cold to distract yourself from your thoughts as you wait for the other occupant of the room to wake. This is not unusual either. You’ve been waiting since the world ended.
In light of previous circumstances, this was not the worst thing that could have ever happened. But a literal clown chasing me around the neighborhood was not the thing I would’ve pictured for the end. I’m literally praying this guy doesn’t know how to climb trees as I get to the top. Man, I just finished the last of my anime recommendations, dinner was so good last night too. Mashed potatoes and some green mess I don’t even know the name of. I even got Orangina from CTB. Too bad I’m afraid of heights, or this would be really funny.
“1t’s tym3 t0 k1ck 4ss 4nd ch3w bubbl3gum,” Duk3 Nuk3m th0ught t0 h1ms3lf.
“4nd 1 l0st my s1z3 th1rt33n b00t.”
H3 s1ts th3r3 d3f34t3d, ch3w1ng th3 n3w fl4v0r 0f tr1pl3 bubbl3.
“H0w d1d 1 3nd up h3r3?”
S0m3 kr1ng3 k1d r0lls up 0n h1s h0v3rbo4rd, st34ls th3 gum.
H3 r0lls 4w4y 4nd f4lls 0v3r, ru1n1ng h1s supr3m3 h00d13.
Duk3 Nuk3m st4nds up.
“My n4m3 1s D0uk N0uk K3m,” he proclaims.
“4nd 1’m 4ll 0ut 0f gum.”
“Tym3 t0 h34d h0m3.”
H3 g03s b4ck to h1s pl4c3, but wh3n h3 g3ts th3r3, 1t 1s 4 g04st.
B3tt3r c4ll th3 g04st bust3rs.