- Write a poem based on a vivid image that you internalized at one point in your life. Try to incorporate all the details that you can remember to make it as descriptive as possible.
- Hoping to improve your productivity, you clone yourself—but then everything goes awry.
- Imagine a world with millions of _____________.
- Find something around your house that has words written on it, such as a piece of scrap paper, a shipping label, or a book. Rearrange the letters of one or more words until you come up with a different word (or perhaps a made-up one). Using the new word as the main element, create a story or poem.
- Try to imitate the writing style of one of your favorite authors/poets. As an added challenge, try to maintain the writer’s voice using a topic that strays from the writer’s regular boundaries.
- Write a story about someone taking overly drastic measures.
- The leaves fell from the trees…but once they reached the ground, they didn’t stop falling.
- Write a sentimental tale using Pig Latin.
- It’s the first time you’ve seen the transition from fall to winter. How do you react?
- Write a triolet, a short poem that uses repetition and rhyme. For an added challenge, try making each line 8 syllables. The form is ABaAabAB:
A (first line)
B (second line)
a (rhymes with the first line)
A (repeat the first line)
a (rhymes with the first line)
b (rhymes with the second line)
A (repeat the first line)
B (repeat second line)