Hall Monitor By RUBY ZAWEL on April 2023 The song from Ratatouille, because we’re hungry. Theo Lobo and Stephen Yang, ‘23 Colors of the wind from Pocahontas. The harmonic profession is really pleasant to the ear. Leann Zhu A Whole new world from Aladdin, because it sounds cool. Quentin Getzin, ‘26 Mia Rhody-Binder’25 Almost There from Princess and the Frog, because she’s the first Black princess and she eats up her looks Let it go. Because I love frozen and Elsa’s bad Tenzin Kunga freshman You’re Welcome from Moana because Dwayne Johnson Andrew Published in Features RUBY ZAWEL More from FeaturesMore posts in Features »How VR is Taking Healthcare to Another DimensionSTEM Feature of the Month: The Science Behind Gingerbread HousesFrom the Archives: Excerpts from the Tattler Issues of YesteryearMusic Con Amore: Bringing Music to AllICSD’s Quick Cuts: Substitutes Dismissed