Summer is almost here, and with it comes so many opportunities and good times. Of those opportunities, so many would be much better while listening to music. Use this playlist to make the most of your summer.
“Color Picture” by Guerilla Toss:
After careful consideration, I’ve determined that nothing is more fitting to play on the first day of summer than some dance punk, partially due to the name alone. This song works especially well because it is very cathartic and jagged.
“Everything With You” by The Pains Of Being Pure At Heart:
Lactose intolerance doesn’t stand a chance this summer, because ice cream parlors will be as busy as ever. Next time you go to Purity or Sweet Melissa’s, listen to this sticky, noisy indie pop delicacy to make it even sweeter.
“Brass Monkey” by Beastie Boys:
If you find yourself on a road trip this summer, wherever it might lead to, get yourself and others in the mood to trek across the highway with this incredibly fun and funky mid-80s rap anthem.
“Crushed Grass” by Thee Oh Sees:
Whether it’s in a wave pool or on the beach, make your surfing
experience even more exhilarating with a dosage of surf rock. Well, psychedelic, surf… punk, I guess. Whatever the genre, it still makes your board shorts look even cooler.
“Happen” by Drop Nineteens:
Lemons, sugar, water. Together, they make the perfect drink, and the ideal start-up for children everywhere. To attract customers to your lemonade stand, play some brittle, heavy shoegaze to thicken the air and maximize profits.
“Easy Flight” by Crying:
From the boardwalk to the caramel apples and roller coasters, amusement parks are a summer staple. The next time you go to one, see if you can get them to put this on the speakers. It’s not often you hear bitpop combined with indie rock.
“Three Women” by Jack White:
Fire up the grill and grab a bottle of Sweet Baby Ray’s, because this is the ideal song to play at your neighborhood barbecue. From the early organ keys to the very end, this song makes anything taste ten times better. Except for potato salad.
“Whisper” by Still Corners:
If making s’mores doesn’t immediately come to mind when you think of summer, I don’t know what does. Better yet, gather around the campfire with friends and let them hear this hushed dream pop song while making those s’mores.
“Physical” by Dua Lipa:
Summer gives everyone an excuse to buy ridiculously oversized floats, and with them, it brings pool parties. Blast this iconic modern pop hit on your waterproof speaker for an automatic increase in your serotonin levels.
“According To No Plan” by Broadcast:
Seeing a movie without leaving the comfort of your car is already great, but take your drive-in experience one step further with this eerie, ringing electronic song playing in the background to make your motion picture a little more interesting.
“Tiger Mountain Peasant Song” by Fleet Foxes:
Make the great outdoors even greater by listening to this song at summer camp. Your Ithacan, indie folk-loving camp counselors will appreciate it, even if you forget to put on bug spray beforehand.

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