One year ago, we wrote our first “Honest Reviews” on our opinions of different types of candies. To celebrate this anniversary, we’re going back to our beginnings and rating some of our favorites candies, so you know which ones you should look out on Halloween or whenever you’re craving a sweet treat!
For reference, a rating of 1 indicates our disapproval, and a rating of 10 means we highly recommend it.
Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups
Connie: 7/10. I think Reese’s are good in moderation—not just because of the sugar, but because the peanut butter and chocolate start getting stuck in the deepest, darkest crevices of your mouth that you never even knew existed. All you can do is struggle in futility to get it unstuck until you forget about it and then it’s gone, leaving you thinking, “Maybe not so much next time.” But that thought is in vain, because by the next time you have some, the cycle shall repeat again. (Maybe this was just me…)
Mia: 8/10. A simple classic that you can never go wrong with. These are pretty sweet though; if you don’t want to have too much of a sugar rush all at once, maybe save these for another day.
Connie: N/A. What?
Mia: 6/10. I like these on occasion. The sugary and crunchy texture goes great with a hot cup of coffee, or any alternative that can cut the sweetness. But by themselves, they are just okay.
Nerds Gummy Clusters
Connie: 7/10. The first 10 bites are fun, then it gets sickeningly sweet. I love sweets, but after a whole bag of these even I get sick of them. Then a couple months later, I’m suddenly craving them again after seeing them in Target and down a whole bag in regret.
Mia: 8/10. I could probably eat a whole bag of these in one sitting. The difference in textures of the Nerds and gummy makes these so fun to indulge in, and is the perfect boost of adrenaline when you need a little extra energy.
Connie: 9/10. Only reason why it’s not a 10/10 is because of how much you get taxed on these if you make the mistake of opening them within ten feet of anyone. As soon as you cave and give even one to someone, the next thing you know half your pack is gone and there are still people asking for some….
Mia: 7/10. I know these are basically just flattened chocolate chips, but I still like them. It’s another easy boost of sugar for when you need it, but be careful when you eat some of these—you likely will attract a bunch of fellow peers looking to share this treat with you.
Sour Patch Kids
Connie: 6/10. Some of the novel flavours can be cool and interesting to try, but I find that Sour Patch Kids (or “kids” as they were called in eighth grade) are never quite sour enough for me. I get that it’s supposed to be candy, but I still think that the “Sour” in Sour Patch Kids is just, lacking… I’d gladly still take a pack if offered, but if I wanted sour, I’d be better off just buying a bag of citric acid and eating it. Mia: 8/10. These have been and always will be one of my favorite candies. Contrary to Connie’s opinion, I think these are the perfect balance of sweet and sour, and the fun, vibrant colors make them even more enjoyable.
Connie: 10/10. These were my entire childhood! I still remember getting these from the bus driver in elementary and middle school for being good on the bus, and on my walk up the driveway I would suck on the candy until I got past the sour coating and into the sweet core. The most sour (and objectively best) flavor was always black cherry and I’m not sure where they’ve gone but I hope I get to eat another Warhead in my lifetime for a trip back down memory lane…
Mia: 6/10. I enjoy these, but I wouldn’t casually pick it up if I wanted a piece of candy. They’re not as sour as advertised, and taste more like a lollipop. Nonetheless, they’re still worth a try!
It’s truly amazing that it’s already been a year since the first “Honest Reviews” and we’re so happy and thankful to everyone who has read any or all of our short little reviews. What started off as a one time article has gone almost ten issues past that and we hope that even if you might not agree with some of our opinions, it’s still entertaining to read some of our mini rants on certain topics. If you have any suggestions for what we should review, please scan the QR code below, and give us ideas! Thank you once again for reading “Honest Reviews” and see you next month for the next set of ratings!

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