Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 18):
You’ll go out with your friends, but spend the whole night quietly thinking to yourself. Despite this, you’ll still have a fun time.
Pisces (Feb 19 – Mar 20):
When you go trick-or-treating with your friends, you’ll be really worried about monsters and spirits, but they’ll make fun of you for it,, so you’ll leave early. Afterwards, you’ll’ll end up walking by a house that is getting rid of the remainder of their candy, and they’ll give you all of it.
Aries (Mar 21- Apr 19):
You’ll go trick-or-treating with friends, but will decide to make it a competition for who can get the most candy.
Taurus (Apr 20 – May 20):
You’ll decide to stick with your annual tradition of staying in and having a chill night.
Gemini (May 21-June 20):
Your parents will make you go trick-or-treating with your family, even though you’ll already have made plans with your friends.
Cancer (June 21- Jul 22):
Your friends will want to do a group costume with you that you don’t really like, but you’ll do it anyway cause it’ll make them happy. And in the end, you’ll still have fun!
Leo (Jul 23 – Aug 22):
You’ll become the life of the party at a massive gathering, and everyone will have a great time!
Virgo (Aug 23 – Sep 22):
You’ll spend so much time worrying about your costume and getting ready that you’ll lose track of the time, which will cause you to arrive late to your Halloween plans.
Libra (Sep 23 – Oct 22):
You’ll have so many people trying to make plans with you for Halloween that you won’t be able to pick! You’ll end up staying home with your best friends and have a fun night watching scary movies and eating candy.
Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21):
You’ll cancel your plans with your friends so you can spend the night with your significant other watching movies and telling scary stories.
Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 21):
You and your friend will make plans to have a nice calm evening at one of your houses to watch movies, but you’ll convince them last minute to go trick-or-treating. After, you’ll both indulge in all the candy you got!
Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19):
You and your friends will have a disagreement the day before Halloween, so you’ll decide to cancel your plans with them and spend the night with your family instead.