When I sat down at our first Tattler meeting this year, I was thrilled to be working with the new board, but I couldn’t help noticing that a few faces were missing. Curious to know how they have been doing since graduating high school earlier this year, I reached out to members of last year’s board to get a sense of how their post-high school experiences have been.
Ella Avgar ’24, former Literary Editor

My first few months at Wellesley College have been an awesome whirlwind! I am taking some interesting classes, singing in the Wellesley College Choir, and participating in the literary magazine called The Wellesley Review! We just had our first meeting for the literary magazine yesterday, and it brought back all of my wonderful Tattler memories (and it inspired me to get back into writing!). I have learned so much here already, for example, how easy it is to stay up late in college (and how that probably isn’t the best choice). Still, some of my favorite moments are late-night movie parties with snacks from the vending machine! I can’t wait to come back home over winter break and read the latest Tattler issue!
Colby Bittner ’24, former Webmaster

At Cornell, I’ve been making many friends and have applied to many robotics clubs! I’m taking some difficult math and computer science classes but am getting through it. Living on campus has been really exciting, as everything is so close by, especially your good friends. Missing everyone on The Tattler and hope you’re all doing well!
Mukund Gaur ’24, former Editor-in-Chief

The past few weeks at college have been a whirlwind. Cornell isn’t far from IHS, but it feels like a totally new world. I’m studying engineering, which is a little bit of a different tack from journalism, but there’s a lot to explore here outside of my major, and I’m still adjusting to it all. College has its quirks—100+ person lectures, prelims (the Cornell word for midterms), long walks to classes—but it has ended up being all that I expected, and more. One of the best parts has been getting to meet really accomplished people from all over the world.
Looking back on it all, The Tattler was one of the formative experiences of high school for me, and I wouldn’t have had it any other way. Running the paper is a hard task, but it’s a good one, and I wish this board, and future boards, all the best in making sure our storied paper flourishes. Ultimately, high school flies by fast, so make sure you make the best of it. Have fun, get involved, and write for The Tattler!
Tania Hao ’24, former Features Editor

Since graduating from IHS, I’ve traveled a bit and recently started my first semester of college. It’s been a thrilling ride so far! I’m taking fascinating classes like Philosophical Feminism and meeting insanely interesting people every day. I’m just starting to write for my college newspaper, The Cornell Daily Sun, and am quickly realizing just how much I didn’t know about journalism. I’ve also had a bit of an epiphany recently about how helpful the writing skills I gained from working for The Tattler are for nearly every kind of college-level writing, so to the readers: write for The Tattler! You will have fun and also thank yourself later.
Aliza Proulx ’24, former Copy Editor

I am taking a gap year, and it has been really wonderful so far! I spent most of September living and working on a small vegetable farm in Germany. I loved the people, the sense of community, and the chance to spend every day outside moving my body. For the past couple of weeks, I’ve been here in Ithaca, doing a lot of hiking and just appreciating this landscape as much as possible while I can.