Autumn has fallen into full effect. Pumpkins and apples are the most popular produce, the leaves are beautiful colors, and turkeys are frightened for their lives. This playlist should elevate your November from chilly to cool.
“Carried Away” by Passion Pit: The minute Halloween is over, savoring your precious candy can be a task that rivals a marathon. But when the time finally comes to scarf down those confections, play this dance-friendly synthpop earworm to maximize the sweetness.
“Hidden Beneath” by Message To Bears: Getting an additional sixty minutes of sleep is, for most people, a gift comparable to a million dollars. For the best chances of being well-rested, soothe your mind with this piece of ambient folk.
“This Flight Tonight¨ by Joni Mitchell: With fallen leaves comes a great responsibility to rake up and possibly jump in a pile of said leaves. For the most perfectly shaped leaf stack, have this classic folk rock song sweep through the wind and practically do the job for you.
“Mystery Fish” by Aesop Rock: If you own a red flannel, there’s never a better time than November to start wearing it again. To sort out your fall wardrobe, craft your final opinion with this calculated yet jumbled rap song to look your best.
“Kerosene” by Fog Lake: At its peak, flu season is sure to completely weed out every adolescent with a below-average immune system. If you find yourself in that unfortunate circumstance, have a go with this cloudy, pitch-black slowcore song while under your covers.
“Rainbow” by Kacey Musgraves: Around this time of year, fresh apples, pumpkins, and butternut squash get their time to shine at a farmers’ market. While not officially proven, studies show that when paired with this glistening country-pop anthem, fall produce tastes even better.
“Lava Lamp” by Thundercat: Just in case you needed some reassurance, you didn’t get through the first full marking period for nothing. As a reward for your grueling work, get cozy and listen to this funky, silky smooth neo-soul cut.
“Corner Of My Eye” by The Lemon Twigs: What would November be without Thanksgiving? From the yearly parade to the avalanche of food, no other holiday captures that spirit. While you give thanks, sing along to this wispy soft-rock song with your family and closest friends.
“Dead Disco” by Metric: Discounts on washing machines, video game consoles, and everything in between can mean only one thing: it’s Black Friday. To bravely face an apocalyptic department store, hack into their speakers and clash with other shoppers with this feisty new wave song.