I look out at the world
It has not changed for me
Things change
But it’s around me
The years of time that pass
I see friends come and go
Relationships get better or worse
Everything does change
But I feel
In my mind
That I haven’t changed at all
Everything is exactly the same
I never know when things will change
Or why I am even thinking about it now
Why not a year ago
Or even a week
My mind seems to stay the same
I learn my subjects
But past that point
There is nothing different
I look back at myself and wonder
What would it have been like
If something changed then
Would I still write now
Would I still be sitting here
Writing a free verse poem
Writing about change
But those are not the worlds I am in
You can’t look out into the open world
And wish for different lives
Because if you do that
You are held by the chains of your real life
I have had to learn this myself
When I think about life
I see no change
But through the eyes of others, there is
I look out at the world
And don’t see a change in me
Things change
But it’s those around me
Who see