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Focus Joyce Spears

Read this slow

Read it carefully

Be cautious as each word sinks in

This may be my last.

Or my first

It’s hard to tell what exists

I want you to imagine

It’s a nostalgic day

The corners of your vision growing dim

Almost like a loop

The feeling, the streets

They never seem to end


Go slowly

There’s details one tends to miss

Don’t reminisce

For too long

There’s something hiding among the mist

Your brain is fogged


Did you forget about me?

I warned you.

Be cautious

Not quick

Do you see the static

Guarding your eyes

The words are starting to shift

This is my last

There is no first

I don’t even exist


Go slowly

There’s details you seem to have missed

The ink in my pen

Bleeds fast than I do

There’s bells ringing in my head

Will you see me tomorrow?

If you didn’t, would you notice?

Where does the dream seem to end?

It’s a nostalgic day

And you’re moving too fast

Tell me, are you filled with dread?

Read this slow

Read this carefully

Remember my words

There’s something waiting around the bend

It’s a nostalgic day

But something seems off

When’s the last time you called your friend?

Don’t reminisce for too long

You’re lost in your head

Turn around

Did you miss it again?