A cell,
A star is born,
Unique changes placed upon the human soul.
Godly power by both process and miracle,
Divine intervention,
The roots of mankind doth rest on the small.
Babies swaddled in mangers and
RNA building blocks charged.
That first old Noel,
An age of fine kings,
Is equal in power to his tranforming of things.
We once were but apes,
With brains a size small,
Until by gene edits we grew quite tall.
The giants of our mind allowed us to see,
The divine power spread before thee.
And our society today,
Tries to pit them against,
These two parts of a whole,
These two things which were meant.
That science and God,
Might exist entwined,
Is what we should know,
But so often deny.
I contend we are sick,
Until we admit,
That nature’s an arm of divine loving wit.