Am I going to lose my leg?” I thought as I looked in terror. I couldn’t believe this was happening. My leg
was wedged between the chair back and seat. This was so embarrassing! I looked around, hoping no one
noticed my predicament.
“You can come with us to the concert Lori,” said Kay. Little did she know what was going to happen. I, of course,
was excited to go to my first concert. Kay and Sue had invited me, and our moms said yes.
The Day of the Concert
It was going to be around three hours to Pennsylvania, where the concert would be held. For the beginning of the
ride we listened to music. The rest of the ride I had to listen to Sue say “look at those mountains!” that were really
just big hills.
We finally got there and found seats. We listened to a couple of singers and then it was intermission. I got an
autograph from one of the singers and a photo with the twins. We went to the restrooms, then back to find our seats.
The first thing most people notice about me is how short I am. My legs are not as long as Kay’s or Sue’s. We found
our seats, but had to climb over chairs to get to them. Kay and Sue did great, but when I was stepping over, my leg
fell between the back of the chair and the seat! (They were the kind of chairs that fold out when you sit down.) I tried
moving; it was stuck. It started to really hurt, because my other leg was on the other side of the chair. I couldn’t get
anyone’s attention over the singer! Finally Mrs. Parker noticed, and tried pulling me up, my leg wouldn’t budge. Sue
didn’t notice until her mom was yelling at her to get someone’s help. She couldn’t find a security guard close to us. I
felt a hand on my arm, a man from behind me. He and Mrs. Parker pulled up on both of my arms, and got my leg
free. I was okay, but the embarrassment was hard to get over. The rest of the concert my leg hurt when I walked or
put weight on it.
On the way back home, Mrs. Parker admitted that she had thought they were going to have to cut the chair to get my
leg out. I just laughed, but I was so happy that it didn’t come to that. This is why you shouldn’t go to concerts.