Valentine’s Day is a joyous day to celebrate love and happiness, and it may or may not also be accompanied by a variety of other emotions. Whatever those may be, here’s a compilation of songs to match the whirlwind of feelings you might encounter on this day.
“You Make My Dreams (Come True)” by Daryl Hall and John Oates: Start the day off with this light-hearted and upbeat tune! There’s no way you can’t be in a good mood after listening to this song. Trust me, it’ll give you the energy you need to start off this special day!
“The Love Club” by Lorde: Love is in the air, so embrace it! Plug in this jazzy yet relaxed melody and romanticize the day. Pick up a bouquet of flowers, indulge in a box of chocolates, and cover absolutely everything in sight with pink, red, and white hearts.
“Paper Rings” by Taylor Swift: Romanticizing the day is fun and all, but you need a little extra excitement. Write anonymous love notes and slip them subtly to whomever you desire. Sure, it’s a bold move, but I’m sure it’ll at least make them smile. All the while, listen to this song; its catchy and energetic melody is sure to give you the motivation and ambition for this task.
“10 Things I Hate About You” by Leah Kate: Maybe all the hearts and “lovey-dovey” festivities are not your cup of tea. To cope, blast this song at full volume to let out any pent-up rage you are feeling. Hopefully, after listening a few times, you’ll cool off and be able to enjoy the day a little more.
“My Girl” by The Temptations: If you weren’t already familiar with this song, now you are! An older but classic melody that’s sure to put anyone in a better mood. Its simple yet gleeful chorus gives a sort of nostalgic and reminiscing feel, perfect for Valentine’s Day.
“Hey Mickey” by Toni Basil: As you’re cleaning out your belongings from the day, you find a folded piece of paper tucked into the bottom corner of your bag (and it doesn’t look like the love notes you delivered earlier in the day). Could it be a secret admirer? Play this song as you jump around in excitement upon
this discovery.
“Dandelions” by Ruth B.: As fun as this day is, all of the extra affection can get a little over-stimulating. Take some time to yourself, either by taking a walk or by choosing a relaxing activity to indulge in while listening to this mellow yet gentle tune to refresh and reset yourself for the rest of the day.
“Dancing in the Moonlight” by Toploader: After a long day, wind down with a cozy night in. To prepare, make your favorite comfort meal and turn on your favorite cheesy, guilty-pleasure rom-com, all while listening to this relaxing yet gleeful tune.
“Purple Rain” by Prince & The Revolution: Cap off the day with this old-time classic. After a day full of activities, its melancholic and tender melody is sure to help you settle down for a good night’s rest.

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