In Ithaca, New York, spring can be a fickle thing. It might come in February, May, or seemingly never happen. To get yourself in the mood for the new season, queue up this playlist when it actually arrives.
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“RHODODENDRON” by Hurray For The Riff Raff: Flowers and springtime go together better than peanut butter and jelly. If flowers near you are in full bloom, play this rootsy intimate Americana song.
“Generational Synthetic” by Beach Fossils: Melted snow leads to mud, which leads to stained jeans, which leads to a ruined day. If you find yourself in this dirty situation, calm your feelings with this mellow, spangly jangle pop piece.
“Beware” by Sons Of Kemet: With the weather finally taking a turn for the better, many sports players can get back to business on the field. To ensure the best results while practicing, listen to this sweltering husky jazz piece.
“Sunshine” by Lupe Fiasco: The warmth of spring is, put simply, the most freeing feeling after a lengthy, ice-cold winter. When that day comes, frolic through the fields with this bubbly conscious hip-hop tune. Bonus points if you do it while holding hands with a friend or partner.
“Dedicated Loop” by Squarepusher: Usually, the coming of spring signals the home stretch for the school year and its projects. Instead of letting the stress get to you and/or slacking off, play this fluorescent, well-oiled acid techno song to exercise your brain while doing your assignments.
“Wish Fulfillment” by Sonic Youth: Months in the spring season are filled with drastic and unpredictable shifts in weather. When those changes hit you like a brick wall, crank up the volume on this blurry alt-rock track to ease your body into the aforementioned brick wall.
“Lost My Treble Long Ago” by Vulfpeck: It’s no longer cold enough to turn your fingers blue, so you can finally fire up the grill. While your food of choice is being cooked, season it with this ridiculously funky jam band piece.
“Ancestors” by Gonjasufi: Pollen is now suddenly flying everywhere, and that means it’ll eventually make its way to your nostrils. When your nose gets runny, cook some soup and listen to this misty, charming, and psychedelic rap song to cure your ailments.
“Special Affair” by The Internet: Sunny evenings are a fantastic time to go outdoors and make memories you’ll one day look back on fondly. After those memories are said and done, reminisce on them with this fervent, rugged alternative R&B song.
“Pledging My Time” by Bob Dylan: An improved mood often stems from warmer weather, as demonstrated by many people’s increase in productivity during springtime. Pairing your new mood with an all-time folk classic can only make your workflow double, if not triple.
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