In Ithaca, New York, spring can be a fickle thing. It might come in February, May, or seemingly never happen. To get yourself in the…
Posts published in “Byline: JACK BONASSAR”
An Unorthodox Christmas Playlist
It’s (allegedly) the most wonderful time of the year. Cold weather and general stress brought by the season notwithstanding, Christmas can bring unrivaled levels of…
November Playlist
Autumn has fallen into full effect. Pumpkins and apples are the most popular produce, the leaves are beautiful colors, and turkeys are frightened for their…
Halloween Playlist
It’s finally time for an infinite supply of pumpkins, fun-sized candy bars, and trying to get your friends to agree on a group costume. Make…
Back-To-School Playlist
Another summer ends, another school year starts, it’s a tale as old as time. Listen to this playlist to make the slog of starting all…
Summer Playlist
Summer is almost here, and with it comes so many opportunities and good times. Of those opportunities, so many would be much better while listening…
AP Exam Playlist
At Ithaca High School, the month of May is characterized by several things, the most dreaded of those being AP exams. But don’t fret, dear…
April Playlist
It’s April, with a plethora of different things anyone can do. As such, this playlist should cover everything someone would experience in the month of…