Every year on a Thursday in early September, IHS comes back to life after a long ability to have more information in the form of their schedules…
Posts published in “Byline: THE TATTLER EDITORIAL BOARD”
The Coolness Spectrum
Cool 🙂 The New Tattler Board Outdoor Music Festivals Starting Up Again Goodbye Pandemic School High Local Vaccination Rates June 11 Graduation Cayuga Lake Still…
Haven’t We Been Through Enough?
Just as IHS students looked on hopefully toward the beginning of Spring Break two weeks ago, many noticed a significant shift in teachers’ homework policy…
Coolness Spectrum
The Old Tattler Board Cool The New Tattler Board College Commitment Returning to In-Person No Spring Pep Rally Weather Whiplash Entering AP Season Vaccine Patents…
IHS Needs Black Teachers
At Ithaca High School, a school with over 100 Black students in attendance, there are zero Black teachers. In a video testimonial addressed to ICSD…
Coolness Spectrum
Flip-Through Version of March 2021
Click to see issue. Here
Board of Education, Students’ Trust Requires Transparency
On November 22, 2020, Ms. Anjanette Brown, the ex-wife of superintendent Luvelle Brown, submitted more than 200 pages of emails, reports, and legal documents alleging…
Coolness Spectrum
Cool April Fools edition of The Tattler! Perseverance 1C phase of vaccination School sports At-home gym no longer on Wednesdays Turtleneck syndrome Lockdown anniversary Anti-Asian…
Supporting Students Means Supporting Counselors
There are only eleven school counselors currently employed by the Ithaca City School District (ICSD), split between Ithaca High School, Boynton, DeWitt, and LACS. The…
Colleges, Pick the Right Answer: Go Test-Optional
“We are in this together. We hope to navigate these difficult times with you as you begin your college application journey,” Stanford University announced in…
Coolness Spectrum
Cool February Break GME Stonks (To the Moon!) Federal Prisons no longer privatized No more subject tests! (Only) Halfway through the school year Quarantine Valentines’…
Literary Issue
Click to see. Music Links available below. Literary Issue Music Links
IHS Students: Take Responsibility for your Classroom Environment
“Does anybody want to answer this question?” Silence. Five, ten, fifteen, thirty seconds pass. The teacher stares nervously at their screen, asking, pleading, begging for…
The Tattler’s View On the IPD’s Misconduct: Ithaca Must Defund and Divest
The Tattler Editorial Board condemns all forms of police brutality; in particular, we condemn the recent actions of the Ithaca Police Department. On October 22,…
Editorial: Me And My Illicit Lover (My Screen)
I stare into the glowing window of my laptop. My eyes now strain to read every word on the screen. The endless queue of tabs…
Coolness Spectrum
Cool Fall Back Daylight’s Savings Clearance halloween candy Uncool Turkey Shortages Virtual Thanksgiving Eyes on fire just like California The Election Seasonal Depression (on top…
Editorial: Pass/Fail Grading Gets an A
In the days leading up to June 5, 2020, hundreds of IHS students flooded SchoolTool to make an important choice that would reflect their academic…
Editorial: Teaching Black History at IHS Still Needs Work
This year our nation has faced a grand reckoning on the issue of racial inequality, and as a result, students from Ithaca City School District…
The Coolness Spectrum
Cool “Would you shut up, man?” Full moon on Halloween Seeing friends in the halls Rats at IHS have no more crumbs to eat Asynchronous…
The Tattler’s View On the District’s Plan for October Reopening: Teachers Deserve Better
On Monday, September 15, the Ithaca City School District communicated to all teachers that they are required to return to school to teach in-person on…
Editorial: ICSD’s Reopening: A Can of Worms?
Only one thing is certain: the 2020-2021 school year will be like no other. After a summer of planning by administrators, BoE members, teachers, and…
The Coolness Spectrum
Cool Black Lives Matter Wearing a mask Registering to vote Capybaras Sweater weather Everyday is pajama day Homework No back to school shopping Not seeing…
Statement from the Editorial Board
In recent weeks, the murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and countless others have sparked protests throughout the United States. The Tattler Editorial…
Education has been a uniquely interactive experience in the past, with communication and copresence forming effective student-teacher dynamics. With the current pandemic, it has become…
Editorial: In Isolation, We Are Not Alone
For at least a month, thousands of students will be more alone than they perhaps ever have. If they abide by social distancing, which is…
The Coolness Spectrum
Cool Birds chirping No more swim unit Spring sports Waiting for April Fools The erratic weather Feral rats in the school Chromebook cursors not working…