Kii Kinsella ‘22, better known as SAINT KID, is a talented singer, songwriter, producer, and musician who has recently enjoyed success for his singles such…
Posts published in “Features”
Commentary on the 2006 Tattler: The Electoral College
In November 2006, approximately fourteen years ago, an IHS student named Annette S. wrote an article for the Tattler entitled “The Electoral College: An Anachronism?”…
Students Get Politically Involved
While Cornell students bustle across a collegetown street under a high, equinoctial sun, three IHS students manage a table stocked with flyers, stickers, and pens,…
Teachers Attempt to Diversify Book Curriculum
In 2017, the students of Ms. Campbell’s eleventh-grade English class went through the IHS bookroom to find every book that was being used in the…
A Series of Short Interviews on the Topic of Canvas
Vicky Lu ‘22: How has using Canvas been like for you? Margaux Deverin (English Teacher and Theatre Leader): Canvas has a steep learning curve.…
Recipe: Homemade Apple Pie With Chai Spices
I absolutely love making pie and since it’s fall and I think that everyone could use a bit of cheering up lately, I thought I…
I-RISE Interview with Saba Weatherspoon
Saba Weatherspoon, a senior at Ithaca High School, MC for a student-led rally against racism in ICSD, and a member of the new anti-racism group…
Speeches to Go Watch Right Now
Let’s get something clear, I’m not comparing any of these speeches because I think they are all fantastic. These are in absolutely no particular…
Admissions Amidst Uncertainty: Interview with Admissions Officers at Local Colleges
The fall in which students apply to colleges is a fraught period in any high schooler’s life, but complications due to coronavirus have multiplied that…
Review: Bad Feminist: Still Worth Reading
I have been a fan of Roxane Gay since fifth grade and I don’t actually remember why; I just remember starting sixth grade and when…
Pandemic Predictions
Nobody knows for sure when the Coronavirus pandemic that has overturned everyone’s lives will end, but that doesn’t mean we can’t guess! Read IHS student…
How to Celebrate PRIDE in Quarantine
This year marks the 50th anniversary of PRIDE. Even though you cannot celebrate PRIDE month surrounded by real people, that does not mean virtual celebrations…
April Fools’ Etiquette
As the inevitable day of mischief looms closer by the day, many of us may already be taking advantage of our newfound free time to…
Lindy’s Cheesecake Review
Lindy’s Cheesecake Serves 8 – 12 For the Crust 1 cup flour 8 tbsp. unsalted butter, cubed ¼ cup sugar 1 tsp. lemon…
Intimate Partner Violence
Intimate partner violence, or IPV, is defined as an act against a woman that results in physical, emotional, sexual or psychological harm by their intimate…
Obscure National Holidays
Obscure national holidays are a little known treasure. We all know Thanksgiving, Mother’s Day, and Valentine’s Day, but how many of us mark “Tweed Day”…
Hall Monitor
Twelve Things You Should Do During Winter Break
Winter break, the long-awaited time of the school year that lets students rest and give them the strength to ace their midterms during the holiday…
Teacher Feature: Suzanne Nussbaum (Part 2)
Last month, I interviewed Latin teacher Suzanne Nussbaum with a series of questions centered around her early life and how she came to be a…
I Am a Mental Health Warrior
Content warning: This story mentions self-harm and suicide. Active Minds Club is a place for students to meet and talk freely and safely about mental…
DIY Gift Ideas
With the holidays approaching, we’re going to be thinking more and more about gifts that we can get our loved ones and friends. But of…
Hall Monitor: What is the Worst Holiday Gift You’ve Ever Received?
“Socks, I guess.” Joshua Ha ‘20 “My sister gave me a pillowcase with Tom Hiddleston on it for Christmas.” Abigail Leonard ‘22 …
Recipe Review: Curry Puffs from Tasty
Curry Ingredients: 1 tbsp vegetable oil ½ medium white onion, diced 1 ½ lb chicken breast, cubed 2 tsp salt 1 tsp black pepper 1…
Hall Monitor: Underclassmen Edition
If I told you the world was going to end tomorrow, what would you do right now? SAGE KORFINE ‘23 “I would get on…
Recipe Review: Chef John’s Chicken Kiev from Allrecipes
This is one of my favorite recipes! I make this for my family all the time and they love it! I made a couple of…
Teacher Feature: Suzanne Nussbaum (Part One)
Suzanne Nussbaum, the only Latin teacher at IHS, is one of the school’s little wonders. Her office, hidden in the confines of K-Building, is stocked…
A Statistical Look at Stress in IHS
National Stress Awareness Day falls on November 6 this year. This important day isn’t a holiday, but a gentle reminder to people worldwide that stress…