I think maybe it’s black Frank thinks what I say is whack Jenny’s into Buddha and all that jack Frank says to Jenny there’s no…
Posts published in “Literary”
Journal Entry
Sitting inside this ancient Roman basilica, it’s easy to believe there is a god. The vaulted dome ceiling gives way to a deluge of heavenly…
Ode to a Stuffed Panda
Lying under the table there so still Left unnoticed against your own will That still furry face stares with no scorn Yet within me…
Haiku of the Month
Eclairs or cookies Though I may be a glutton I just cannot choose
Announcing the Literary Section!
Welcome to the brand-new, state-of-the-art literary section of the IHS Tattler! This section will feature students’ creative writing: everything and anything from poetry, short fiction,…
Haiku of the Month!!!!
i cannot tell if that glimmer in your eyes is playfulness or pain
Preaching Grub
There we were, two teenage girls pouring out our teenage woes. Interspersing gossip with deep shit and not feeling embarrassed about afflictions of the heart.…
Here Is a Field of an Unknown Grain
If this field were a person it would be a woman named Sigtuna with a spitting problem. If this field were an accident it would…
Wind-Up: Finale
Linda was unconscious by the time I burst into the dilapidated home, her slight breath on my neck the only indication that she was still…