I’ve often heard that the worst thing about eating bugs is thinking about it. They’re actually very tasty—or at least, that’s what the people from…
Posts published in “Opinion”
All the Buzz About PSATs
It is commonly said that junior year is the most stressful of all the years spent in high school, one of the most stressful aspects…
Editorial: Improving Student Internet Access Requires Better Policy and Discussion
IHS student: “Trying to do research for debate is a pain. With so many useful websites blocked, it feels impossible to do thorough research on my Chromebook, or even when I’m logged into my district account at home.”
CBC: How Integrated into the School Should It Be?
CBC’s would-be affiliation as a school club or sport is a bad idea.
Carly Fiorina: The Other (Better) Female Candidate
There’s a smart, strong, and successful woman running for president, and she’s nothing like Hillary Clinton.
Vote with Pride
There were only two bubbles to fill in. Just two little ovals next to two names, offering me a choice that I finally had the power to make with my newfound 18-year-old-ness.
On Winter
Winter is a time of halting. I think this spirit pervades everyone living in Ithaca. Things move slower, as if they are trapped in ice. During the winter, I feel as though I have a better perception of the world around me.
Children of Unauthorized Immigrants Should Receive a Free Public Education
There are very few concepts that I support almost unreservedly, but universal access to basic education is one of them.
Computer Science for the City
In a rapidly changing world of technology, programming skills are not useless but increasingly essential.
What Dictates the Lives of Adolescents in Modern Society?
Students report that they live in a postmodern schedule: wake up, go to school, come home, do homework, possibly sleep, and repeat. They have no time to enjoy their youth, and struggle to excel in school by keeping up with their schoolwork and homework—this builds stress.
Editorial: Should the School Deal with Student Mental Illness and Substance Abuse?
Should the IHS administration take a more assertive role in dealing with mental illness and substance abuse for the entire student body?
Working for the Weekend: Student Employees
I recently joined the ranks of youth workers, meaning that now, like some IHS students, I have a part-time job. There are many reasons to…
College-Ruled Rules
Since middle school, I’ve been a staunch supporter of college-ruled paper. I always held in contempt the inferior caste of wide-ruled paper—was there any real…
The BEST: Ithaca Bakery Sandwich
Like most Ithacans, I consider Ithaca Bakery an essential part of the local cultural landscape. Its logo is easily recognizable from the many bumper stickers,…
Homecoming Review
There’s a spirit among the students of IHS, or rather a lack thereof, when it comes to school events. The administration always sets up many…
Editorial: Shedding Light on Flipped Classrooms
There is potential in the flipped classroom for enhanced, personalized, and efficient learning—but not without acknowledging the inherent and practical flaws in the approach.
Animal Experimentation: Immorality in the Name of Science
Since 500 BCE, numerous animals have been used as tools for the benefit of human society. Today, an estimated 17–100 million animals are confined in…
Opting Out of Standardized Testing: A Way to Put Off Learning What You Need to Learn
If you received your elementary and middle-school education in New York State, you will certainly remember the New York State English Language Arts (ELA) and…
The BEST: Farmer’s Market Stand
On any given weekend from early April to mid-December, the aisles of the Ithaca Farmer’s Market may be lined with upwards of 75 vendors. From…
Bernie Sanders: A Socialist Has My Vote (If Only I Were Eighteen)
“Feel the Bern” is not just a catchy slogan. It is the representation of millions of Americans’ burning desire to bring up the standards of…
Earning Potential: A New Ranking System for College Entrance?
Historically, attending college has been about a simple concept—the pursuit of knowledge. People studied systematic and rational information about the world in order to become…
Why You Hate Chromebooks
You come into school on the first day with two parallel expectations. Either you’re optimistic about new experiences, or you’re part of the majority: the…
America and the Migrant Crisis
In recent months, international news headlines have been dominated by images of desperate Middle-Eastern migrants seeking to enter the European Union illegally. Migrants, most commonly…
Editorial: There’s No Rush
Reactions have exploded over whether technology in classrooms is enhancing or hindering education. But EdTech seems like it’s here to stay.
No Homework is a No-Go
Three years ago, President Hollande of France proposed abolishing homework nationwide. His views on education are as blurry as his glasses.
The Coming of the Chromebooks
ICSD is under a false impression that it is doing a fantastic job using technology in classrooms.
Presidential Candidates: The 2016 Elections Donald Trump, No Caption Needed
I’m not sure how exactly to begin writing about Donald Trump. I’d be hard-pressed to find a person without an opinion on him already, and…