COOL Football Team Victory Five Years until Kanye Full-Denim-Clad Octogenarian Holiday Ambiance Football Almost Winning HoCo Decline of American Values Mispronouncing Names Manspreading Football Bus…
The Tattler
Editorial: Shedding Light on Flipped Classrooms
There is potential in the flipped classroom for enhanced, personalized, and efficient learning—but not without acknowledging the inherent and practical flaws in the approach.
IHS’s New Greenhouse: the High Tunnel
"A space to enhance teaching and provide hands-on programming.”
Controversial activists spoke to BJM third graders about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict on September 18.
What’s Up with the Old Library?
What’s up with the old library? You’ve probably seen the structure on North Cayuga Street. It’s famous for a massive mural of Ithaca, featured in…
Local and Global Initiatives Aim to Decrease Food Waste
Every year, one trillion U.S. dollars’ worth of food is thrown out, according to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). The world produces…
Ithaca Youths’ Colorful Start-Up: We Are Neon
“We are neon; we are bright and unafraid of our own brightness; we are unignorable; we are pointedly piercing to the senses; we will grab…
The Annual Prepares Its 101st Edition
The production of IHS’s 101st edition of The Annual is well underway. Prestige Portraits is offering free senior portraits to all seniors, which will ensure…
Animal Experimentation: Immorality in the Name of Science
Since 500 BCE, numerous animals have been used as tools for the benefit of human society. Today, an estimated 17–100 million animals are confined in…
Opting Out of Standardized Testing: A Way to Put Off Learning What You Need to Learn
If you received your elementary and middle-school education in New York State, you will certainly remember the New York State English Language Arts (ELA) and…
The BEST: Farmer’s Market Stand
On any given weekend from early April to mid-December, the aisles of the Ithaca Farmer’s Market may be lined with upwards of 75 vendors. From…
Bernie Sanders: A Socialist Has My Vote (If Only I Were Eighteen)
“Feel the Bern” is not just a catchy slogan. It is the representation of millions of Americans’ burning desire to bring up the standards of…
Earning Potential: A New Ranking System for College Entrance?
Historically, attending college has been about a simple concept—the pursuit of knowledge. People studied systematic and rational information about the world in order to become…
Why You Hate Chromebooks
You come into school on the first day with two parallel expectations. Either you’re optimistic about new experiences, or you’re part of the majority: the…
America and the Migrant Crisis
In recent months, international news headlines have been dominated by images of desperate Middle-Eastern migrants seeking to enter the European Union illegally. Migrants, most commonly…
Duffett’s Buffets: Atlas Bowl
Sixteen years ago, the first installation in the Duffett legacy of restaurant reviews was published in the Tattler under the name Duffett’s Buffets, written by…
Another coming soon!
Wind-Up: Part 1
“Wind-Up” is a fictional, nine-part series. At the end of the dim corridor stood the door, bare except for two words engraved into its…
New Staff of IHS
The Tattler surveyed the new staff at the high school and asked them this question: What are your hopes and goals this year? Here’s what…
Why You Should Listen to Playlists (Complete With A Playlist)
In its last issue, the Tattler reported the results of the survey it undertook to determine some information about its reader base. One fact that…
“So it goes”: Kurt Vonnegut Art Exhibit
Well known for his novels like Slaughterhouse Five and Cat’s Cradle, most people only remember Kurt Vonnegut for his brilliant writing. And yet, writing is…
Emmy’s Style
“Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who’s the fairest of them all?” Joanna Newsom said to the horrendous oval-shaped accoutrement adorning her chest. As if wearing…
Go Set a Watchman Review
First off, I want to make two points clear. One is perhaps fairly obvious: don’t read Go Set a Watchman if you haven’t already read…
Met with Success So Far, Netflix Experiments Further
On September 20, Andy Samberg hosted the Primetime Emmys in Los Angeles. The ceremony was exactly what you might expect from a self-congratulatory event, although…
Tom Brady: A Controversial Star
Tom Brady is renowned nationwide. He’s the quarterback for the New England Patriots and more recently has been involved in the “Deflategate” incident, wherein the…
2015–16 Sports Predictions
Wrestling Despite the loss of not one but two sectional champions, Ithaca Varsity Wrestling is approaching the season with hope. “We need to recruit people.…
Fantasy Football: Duds and Delights
Each year, the fall season brings back many American favorites: pumpkin spice lattes, Thanksgiving dinners, jumping in the leaves, and most importantly: Fantasy Football. To…