I’m afraid of lots of things
Bicycles, tricycles, barbecue wings
Raspberry jam, potato sack races
Chapstick, hurricanes, untied shoelaces
Bumblebees and runny noses
Fire hydrants, yoga poses
Teeny tiny butterflies
Leprechauns and curly fries
Seashells with red crabs inside
Anything that’s been freeze-dried
Sippy cups and purple plants
Limousines and khaki pants
Moldy salsa, empty journals
Creaky floorboards, rows of urinals
Local news and cut down trees
People who are silent when they sneeze
Crocodiles, crunching sounds
Car dealership things that wave around
(you know, those inflatable ones?)
Winter weather, chocolate cakes
Wind up cars and rocky lakes
License plates and long speeches
Faraway places with faraway beaches
Tinfoil, haircuts, lukewarm tea
But my true fear is
Rhyming poetry