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Posts published in “Back Page”
Bad B Boba Tea
Taurus (Apr 20 – May 20): As you’re hiking the Adirondacks one day, a slightly large squirrel will come out of nowhere and land on…
The Coolness Spectrum
Cool 🙂 The Duck is back Classes outside Parrots on zoom Worms Spring potholes Freshmen @ senior prom New G bathrooms IHS parking lot @…
The Coolness Spectrum
Cool 🙂 April Fools Prank April Snow Days Mario Movie March Twilight Saga College Decision Taylor Swift Skipping NY Uncool 🙁
What Sign Secretly Loves (or Hates) You?
Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19): Remember that one time you lost your cool and lashed out at a classmate in middle school? You bet,…
March Events
Mar. 3 Mar. 8 Mar. 14 Mar. 17 Mar. 19 Mar. 28 Mar. 29 Mar. 30 Mar. 31
March Horoscopes 2023
The Signs as Competitors in a Televised Baking Contest Pisces (Feb 19 – Mar 20): In the penultimate round, you have a vision for the…
The Coolness Spectrum
Cool 🙂 No School on St. Pats Popcorn Shamrock Shakes Cheap Californian Rice Mustard Lost Stuff Emails Vending Machines Rejecting Cards The Monarchy Wet Socks…
February Horoscopes 2023
What would you do ifyou were hit in the facewith a snowball? Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 18):You will assume it was thrown bysomeone trying…
The Coolness Spectrum
Summer VacationMidterm SurvivorsChunky YarnDonut FundraisersValentine’s DayInternational Door ShortageRegal ClosingSeeing Your Teacher at the BotanistWarm Water Fountain Water
Meet the Snorks
Name: Matricia Revas Snork Occupation: School Nurse Biography: Matricia is the youngest daughter of Albert. She was born in 1981 and attended Syracuse University for…
The Coolness Spectrum
Cool 🙂 Cafeteria Staff IHS Sleigh Ride Wearing a Beret Bake Sales Chocolate Milk Turtlenecks <10000 minutes on Spotify wrapped Four consecutive five day weeks…
What Winter Activity Will You Do?
Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21): Good job, Scorpios! If you are reading this, that means that you managed to make it through last month…
Here’s What to Look Out for This Month, Based on Your Sign
Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19): Be extra cautious about your health this month. Your constant agitation could lead to an unwelcome physical response. Aquarius…
The Coolness Spectrum
Cool 🙂 left twix kit-kats m&ms skittles candy corn almond joy apples banana laffy taffy right twix Uncool 🙁
Words of Wisdom For The Signs
Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21):You’ve been compromising yourmental health lately. Make sure toconnect with yourself–what has beenweighing you down?Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 21):It’s…
The Coolness Spectrum
Cool 🙂 Working Water Fountains Common App “celebration” Button asdfghjkll “I Voted” Stickers Warm Fall Table Graveyard in the Quad Falling Ceiling tiles Dead Markers…
The Zodiacs’ Defining Moments of Summer 2021
Pisces (Feb 19 – Mar 20): Finding a new hiking spot with dazzling proximity to your favorite waterfall and passing cute dogs on the trail. …
The Coolness Spectrum
Cool 🙂 The New Tattler Board Outdoor Music Festivals Starting Up Again Goodbye Pandemic School High Local Vaccination Rates June 11 Graduation Cayuga Lake Still…
May Surrealio
May Sudoku
May Sudoku: April Solution:
Procrastinator? Here Are A Few Signs Of Being One:
Taurus (Apr 20 – May 20): “I’m not procrastinating! I’ve just been taking a break for the past 2 hours.” Gemini (May 21 –…
Coolness Spectrum
The Old Tattler Board Cool The New Tattler Board College Commitment Returning to In-Person No Spring Pep Rally Weather Whiplash Entering AP Season Vaccine Patents…
April Surrealio
April Sudoku
April Sudoku: March Solution:
Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19): Good Ending: You read the entirety of this newspaper, and you have never felt happier. Taurus (Apr 20…